01284 761 131

4 in 1 Soluble

Available Now

For canker, cocci, worms
& external parasites

1 bottle treats 50 birds

Costs less than 40p per treatment

4 in 1 Soluble

Available Now

For canker, cocci, worms
& external parasites

1 bottle treats 50 birds

Costs less than 40p per treatment

HarkaMectin – Spot On Treatment for parasites


Harkamectin is a single treatment that helps to control worms, lice and mites in racing and show pigeons.

Have you tried Hormoform – The leading feed supplement for racing pigeons? Click here for more information.



SKU: MEC100 Category:


Harkamectin treats internal and external parasites – worms, lice and mites.

Harkamectin is a single treatment that helps to control worms, lice and mites in racing and show pigeons.

  • Place two drops per bird onto the skin, under the feathers between the shoulders.

It is advisable to treat pigeons before the racing season and at any point should a problem with worms, mites or lice become apparent.

  • Should not be used on birds less than 8 weeks of age
  • Should not be used during the molting period or during the hatching period
  • Should not be used on pigeons less then 400g

Available in a 5ml bottle (sufficient for 50 birds)

Contains lvermectin 0.35% w/v

Hormoform New Formula

New Formula with added Beetroot Powder – for improved digestion, brain function, and race performance


Tried, tested, and recommended by leading fanciers for more than 70 years!


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